「健樂」 的宗旨就如我們的名稱一樣,我們都是希望擁有健康快樂人生的一群醫葯人! 送貨範圍只限香港 Delivery to Hong Kong only


know more about us

我們是健樂有限公司(下稱為「我們」、「本公司」或 健樂 ),且我們擁有及經營網站 www.healthquest.hk (下稱為「本網站」或 healthquest.hk )。我們的網站透過互聯網(包括透過使用應用程式)提供線上購物模式,並提供一站式送貨服務(「服務」)。


  1. 登記
  2. 閣下須於使用服務或作出訂購時先向我們登記。一經登記,即表示閣下聲明(而我們有權據此依賴有關聲明)閣下年滿18歲或以上,並有構成具法律約束力合約的能力。
  3. 當登記時,閣下必須:
    (i) 提供準確、完整及最新的登記資料;
    (ii) 確保妥善保存個人使用者名稱及密碼;
    (iii) 授權我們假設只有您或您授權的人士使用閣下的使用者名稱及密碼登入本網站
  4. 如閣下所登記的資料有任何更改,須立即通知我們以確保我們能夠有效地聯絡您。
  5. 如我們有合理理由懷疑閣下所登記的資料屬不實、不準確、並非最新或不完整,我們有權取消閣下的訂單,或及註銷閣下的註冊。 在這情況下,閣下在此同意不向我們提出訴訟及索償,追討任何賠償。
  6. 我們保留權利可全權酌情就任何理由不接納或取消訂單,包括但不限於:
  7. 閣下所訂購的產品並無足夠的存貨;2. 未能就閣下的地區安排送貨;或3. 閣下所訂購的一件或多件產品所標示的價格因人為或電腦錯誤或供應商所提供的定價資料錯誤而出錯。
    5.其他細節請到 付款方法 了解
    2.如閣下於收貨後發現產品出現產品已損壞 /包裝不完整、使用期限少於30日 (註明為短使用期限的產品及特別標示使用期限的特賣品除外)、出現品質問題或遺漏或錯誤送遞產品,可於收貨日期的七 (7)天內向我們申請退貨或更換,惟閣下需符合下列先決條件: –
    (a) 提供有效證明要求退貨物品的詳情;
    (b) 出示有效文件 / 證據證明有問題之產品於healthquest.hk購買;
    (c) 盡快把有問題之產品的影像拍攝並透過電郵 / 即時通訊軟件發送給我們作為證據;
    (d) 要求退貨商品未經使用,並處於原先出售的狀態及未經使用;及
    (e) 提供要求退貨商品的所有零件及配件,包括說明書、證書、標籤、標記、消耗品、袋及盒等。
    3.閣下符合上述第2項的要求及我們認為滿意,我們會於批准退貨後七 (7)日內就相同產品安排退貨及更換。如果該產品沒有存貨及我們已收取有貨款,我們可從閣下的付款戶口中退回該產品的金額予閣下。
    4.退款方式:(a) 所有退款將預設為以相等金額的退回予以閣下

1.本公司及其僱員、承辦商及任何第三方供應者(下統稱「健樂 」)不對下列事宜作出申述或保證:
(i) healthquest.hk或本伺服器或任何其他 healthquest.hk伺服器所儲存或取得的所有資料 (下稱「有關資料」) 的完整性、質量、運作、使用、準確性或時效,或對任何目的之適合性或用途;
(ii) 透過 healthquest.hk 或根據有關資料索取、提供或獲得之任何產品或服務;
(iii) 瀏覽 healthquest.hk 或有關資料時不受干擾,或資料正確無誤,或有關資料不含任何電腦病毒或不具污染性或破壞性;
2. 閣下不可以有關資料作為倚據。 健樂對閣下因倚據或使用有關資料或本網站而蒙受的任何間接或直接的損害、損失、費用或開支,均不承擔任何責任。
本網站上所有內容、用戶內容、設計、文字、圖像及其他材料的知識產權權利,及其選取或安排由我們擁有、控制或獲許可。嚴禁任何未經事前書面批准的授權使用。 本網站中所有商標、產品名稱及公司名稱或標誌為本公司的財產或其各自擁有人的財產。我們並無就使用任何該等商標、外觀、產品名稱、公司名稱、標誌或稱號給予批准,而該等使用或會構成侵犯持有人的權利。

  1. 本公司有權隨時修改本條款及條件,而無須事前通知。如有任何爭議,本公司的決定為最終的決定。
  2. 倘若本條款及條件有中文譯本,如中、英文本之文義有異,應以英文本為準。
  3. 我們高度重視私隱問題。我們的私隱政策涵蓋我們使用閣下提供的任何資料。使我們的服務,即代表閣下同意我們可根據我們的私隱政策收集、儲存及使用有關閣下的資料。 閣下確認及同意受我們的私隱政策條款所約束。
  4. 我們保留權利可全權酌情拒絕用戶進入我們的網站或其任何部分,而毋須作出通知,並可拒絕向任何違反此等條款及細則的用戶提供我們的服務。
  5. 如未經我們的書面同意,閣下不得轉讓或以其他方式處理此等條款及細則規定的全部或部分閣下權利及義務。
  6. 此等條款及細則載列各方的完整協定及諒解,並取代所有有關此等條款及細則的標的事項的先前口頭或書面協定、諒解或安排。任何一方均無權依賴此等條款及細則並無載列的任何協定、諒解或安排。
  7. 此等條款及細則受香港生效的法律管轄。閣下同意受香港法院的專有管轄權管轄。倘若本協議中任何部份在法律上不能執行,則該部份會於法律容許的最大可能範圍內生效,而其他部份則維持完全效力及作用。
  8. 由於閣下使用或被指稱使用本網站或本網站內容或因閣下違反本協議所引起的任何索償、訴訟或索求,包括但不限於合理法律及會計費用,閣下同意代我們抗辯,向我們賠償及使我們、我們的董事、職員及代理人免於損害。
  9. 新客戶優惠:新客戶必須為從未使用相同之電話號碼及/或上門送貨地址進行註冊,以及從未於我們成功購物之客戶。如發現任何客戶曾使用相同之電話號碼及/或上門送貨地址註冊為新客戶,是次新客戶優惠將會被即時取消及所有已訂購之貨品須收回原價。我們 保留權利取消訂單,並恕不另行通知。


Terms & Conditions
General Terms and Conditions
We are HealthQuest Limited (collectively referred to as “we”, “the company” or “healthquest”) and we own and operate the site www.healthquest.hk (collectively referred to as “our site” or ” healthquest.hk “). Our site offers a convenient way to shop online over the Internet, including by using our applications and also provides one-stop home delivery services (referred to as “services”).

healthquest.hk (collectively referred to as “our site” or ” healthquest.hk “). Our site offers a convenient way to shop online over the Internet, including by using our applications and also provides one-stop home delivery services (referred to as “services”).

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using our site. By using our site or any part of it, you agree that you have read these terms and conditions and that you accept and agree to be bound by them. We may revise these terms and conditions from time to time by updating this posting. The revised terms will take effect when they are posted.

  1. You are required to register with us when you use the services or place an order. By registering you are making a statement, upon which we are entitled to rely, that you are aged 18 years or above and capable of forming a legally binding contract.
  2. Where you are required to register, you must: (i) provide us with accurate, complete and updated registration information; (ii) safeguard your user name and password; and (iii) authorize us to assume that any person using our site with your user name and password is either you or is authorized to act for you.
  3. You must inform us immediately of any changes to the information that you provided so that we can communicate with you effectively.
  4. In the event that we have reasonable suspicion that any information and material supplied by you to us for registration is untrue, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete and etc., we have absolute discretion to cancel any order made by you and/or terminate/cancel your registration with us and in such circumstances, you hereby agree not to raise any claim against us for whatsoever compensation and reliefs.
    1.When you place an order, the prices charged are those applicable on the day you order.
    2.All products on healthquest.hk are listed in Hong Kong Dollars.
    3.We reserve our right not to accept or cancel an order for any reasons at our sole discretion, including without limitation:
    no sufficient stock to deliver the products you have ordered; no delivery can be arranged for your area; or one or more of the products you ordered was listed at an incorrect price due to a human or computer error or an error in the pricing information provided by the supplier.
    1.We use third party payment service to process online transactions. When you place an order, you agree and accept that your credit card information will be collected, processed, and kept by a payment service provider subject to its terms and conditions. You agree and accept that you are solely and exclusively responsible for any losses incurred or sustained by you in making credit card transaction, and in no event shall any such losses in whole or in part be borne by us.
    2.We do not collect or keep your credit card information. If you choose to save your credit card information for express checkout, you agree and accept that the information will be encrypted and stored by the third party payment service providers.
    3.The company reserves the right to change the payment terms for any order without prior notice.
    4.Products and prices displayed on our site are for reference only and are subject to alteration or modification at the time of actual transaction.
    5.Please refer to “Payment method” for others
    Refund & Replacement
    1.You are advised to carefully read our policy for the refund and replacement policy of the products supplied by us before you make any order from us.
    2.If you find that the products delivered to you are damaged, incorrect, insufficient or having quality problems and etc. after receiving, and the expiry date is in less than 30 days (excluding items mentioned short shelf life and special discounted items that have been specially marked for short-term), you have to lodge your application for replacement to us within seven (7) days from the date of the receipt of the products and you also have to meet the following prerequisite conditions namely: -(a) all valid supporting evidence to prove your request for replacement of the products;(b) all valid supporting documents to prove that the product(s) in problem is/are purchased from healthquest.hk;(c) immediately sending the photos/videos of the product(s) in problem to us as an evidential proof through email(s) or instantaneous communication software;(d) all product(s) in problem for replacement must be in its original state and not used; and(e) all components and parts of the product(s) in problem including but not limited to its user menu, certificates, labels, marks, materials, packing bags and boxes for replacement must be returned to us.
    3.After you duly comply with the requirements stipulated in above 5.2 to our satisfaction, we shall arrange the replacement of equivalent product(s) within 7 days after our approval. If the relevant product(s) subject to replacement is/are out of stock and we have already credited the amount of the relevant products from your account, we shall then arrange the refund through crediting the same to your account of payment.
    4.Process Refund: same amount will be refund to you
    All risks in the product(s) shall pass to you upon delivery but healthquest shall retain title in the products until full payment has been received.
    Force Majeure
    If the performance by healthquest of its obligations relating to the services it supplies on this site is prevented by reason of “force majeure” (which shall include prevention occasioned by fire, casualty, accident, act of God, natural disaster, any law, order, proclamation, regulation, demand or requirement of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or of any of its government agencies, strikes, labour disputes, shortage of labour or lack of skilled labour, shortage or unavailability of products or raw materials, delay in transit or other causes whatsoever (whether similar to the foregoing or not) beyond the reasonable control of healthquest ), healthquest shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such prevention.
    1.The company and its employees, contractors and any third party provider (collectively ” healthquest “) make no representation or warranty in relation to:
    (i) the completeness, quality, operation, use, accuracy, or timeliness of, or the fitness or use for any purpose of, healthquest.hk or the information (the “Information”) stored on or receivable through this or any other healthquest.hk server;
    (ii) any goods or services accessed, offered or obtained through healthquest.hk or pursuant to the Information;
    (iii) the access to healthquest.hk or the Information will be uninterrupted or does not contain any viruses, or contaminating or destructive properties.
  5. You shall not rely on the Information. healthquest shall not be liable for any damages, loss, costs or expenses arises, directly or indirectly, from your reliance or use (whether authorized or not) of the Information or this website.
    Intellectual Property
  6. All intellectual property rights in the content, user content, design, text, graphics and other materials on our site, and the selection or arrangement thereof are owned, controlled or licensed by or to us. Any unauthorized use without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited.
  7. All trademarks, product names and company names or logos used in our site are our property or that of their respective owners. No permission is given by us in respect of the use of any such trademarks, get-up, product names, company names, logos or titles and such use may constitute an infringement of the holder’s rights.
    1.We may revise these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. If any dispute arises, the company’s determination shall be final.
    2.Where these terms and conditions are available in Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the two versions.
    3.We take privacy issues seriously. Our privacy policy covers our use of any information you provide. In using our services, you agree that we may collect, store, and use information about you in accordance with our privacy policy. You acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of our privacy policy.
    4.We reserve the right at our sole discretion to deny users access to our site or any part of our site without notice and to decline to provide our services to any user that is in breach of these terms and conditions.
    5.You shall not assign or otherwise deal with its rights and obligations under these terms and conditions, whether in whole or in part without our written consent.
    6.These terms and conditions set forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersede all prior oral or written agreements, understandings or arrangements relating to the subject matter of these terms and conditions. Neither party shall be entitled to rely on any agreement, understanding or arrangement that is not expressly set forth in these terms and conditions.
    7.These terms and conditions are governed by the laws in force in Hong Kong. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts. If any part of this agreement is held to be unenforceable, the unenforceable part shall be given effect to the greatest extent possible and the remainder will remain in full force and effect.
    8.You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless us, our officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from your use of our site or the content or your breach of this agreement.
    Terms and Conditions for Promotions
    1.The promotional code or coupon, which we provide, is only applicable to one-time shopping through our website and they are also subject to the terms and conditions stipulated therefor.
    2.Promotion for New Customers: New customers must fulfill the condition that customer cannot use the same phone number nor home delivery address for registration and successful purchase before. When duplicated phone number or home delivery address is found in database upon a new registered account, the discount will be suspended and customer is requested to return used discount amount by all means. healthquest also reserves the right to cancel the order without prior notice.

We will use all reasonable commercial endeavors to display accurate and up to date price, product information and inventory status. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. If the product of your purchase order is out of stock, we reserve the right to cancel your order.

All orders delivery will be suspended until further notice due to the severity of the epidemic.
Only pick up from shops available.